
1- feedback =

“Use ambient sound, try merging your ideas, add sfx to the film, i like idea 2 more than 1, i like idea 1 more than 2…”


Justin Timberlake thanks i guess


2- what is your inciting event?

When the characters fall off the cliff side, creating the dangerous and tense (dramatic) situation.

3- The ten questions to ask your characters:

(genre/theme : humorous action thriller)


Character 1 – Leader Tom

1- What happens if you are not there?

No one to lead the expedition!

2- What is your role?

To lead the expedition

3- What archetype do you fulfil?

protagonist? strong leader type

4- How do you contribute to the themes?

I add to the drama because i am the confident leader and when my companions get into trouble i am the one who must save them.

5- In what way are you unique?

I am the confident leader.

6- Are you interesting?

He is super interesting, a bit serious and whatever but generally a cool explorer guy who searches the world for cool stuff and things. He has explored mostly everywhere, each location becoming more and more dangerous. He has lost many companions on his many adventures, but he tries not to let it get him down.

7- What is your story journey? (arc)

A cool explorer who has travelled all over the world leads another expedition, his companions get into trouble and he does everything to save their lives.

8- What (major) obstacle must you overcome?

He must try to overcome the dangerous and difficult situation that presents itself.

9- What is at stake for you? (theme and plot)

The chance to reach the sacred temple of poopoopaloo and discover more cool stuff and things, also the lives of his companions and his own dark and twisted memories and regrets.

10- What biographical details enhance your contribution to the story?


Character 2 – Companion Jerry

1- What happens if you are not there? 2- What is your role?

The leader has no companion, which would make him super lonely. so I am there to keep the leader company and assist him with his adventuring.

3- What archetype do you fulfil?


4- How do you contribute to the themes?

I get into serious life and death danger, creating a lot of the drama and thrills. I also cut the wrong part of the rope which is (hopefully) the funny part of the film.

5- In what way are you unique?

I am nervous and panicky, to the point of killing myself, so pretty dang unique.

6- Are you interesting?


7- What is your story journey? (arc)

I fall off the cliff with the cow and end up dangling over the side. I end up having to do the action which moves the story on.


Jimmy Fallon and Elmo Dancing

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